Sunday School and Adult Bible Communities

Adult Bible Communities (ABC)

and Sunday School Classes

begin at 9:15am on Sunday.

ABCs are designed to foster community that is built on biblical instruction - so that members feel a sense of belonging, are loved and encouraged to grow spiritually.

Group Finder

Auditorium ClassThe Messiah and his Kingdom in the Old Testament | Teacher: Doug Kutilek
Buffet Room ClassLight, Love, & Life - Study in 1 John | Teachers: Pastor Jon Durso, Nick Carr
Connections Small GroupsGrow: Living the Christian Life | Teachers: Jim Howell (Room East Hall E10); Dean Youngberg (Room East Hall E15)
High School and Middle School BoysTeacher: Sean Rethmeier and Ian Rethmeier | Gym Room G7
High School and Middle School GirlsTeacher: Nicole Rethmeier and Staci Davis | East Hallway Room E13
Young Adult ClassStudy in James | Teachers: David Davis (East Hall - Room E18/20) | Come if you have a young family, are in college, or starting your career.