New Here?

Welcome to our church!

Sunday School and Adult Bible Communities (ABC)

9:15 AM

Sunday Morning Service

10:30 AM

Sunday Evening Small Groups

6:00 PM

Wednesday Awana (Kids) Program

6:30 PM

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

7:00 PM

Contact us:
Phone: 316-788-0864
Facebook and Youtube: @CBCDerby

Where we are:
We are located in Derby, Kansas on Patriot Avenue. It's near the intersection of Rock and Patriot, and the Derby Dinosaurs (Field Station: Dinosaurs) are in our backyard!

1636 E. Patriot Ave
Derby, KS

Come on in!

Come on in!

You're welcome to enter in the center doors under the drive-under canopy (the front and center of the church).

Find Some Direction

Find Some Direction

Our East and West entrances are open only during certain times.

On Sundays, from 9:00-9:30 and from 10:15-10:30, the entrance on the east end of the building will be open as well as the the west doors near the kids' area - ParkPlace.

The ParkPlace entrance is just off the west parking lot. Speaking of the west parking lot, we like to reserve it for families with children - please feel free to find a spot here if you have kids!

The East Parking lot has plenty of parking. You'll find handicap spaces near the Main Entrance as well as in the East Parking Lot near the East entry. 

The Info Desk

The Info Desk

Stop by the Info Desk in the main center foyer and say hi. The attendant will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

Here you can find ministry information, sign up for events, and get directions around the building. 



Our services have a warm and friendly atmosphere with a respectful attitude for our Creator and Savior Jesus Christ. Many congregants wear business casual, some wear dresses or suits and ties, but there isn't any dress code.

We love to sing hymns and choruses, old and new! Older hymns come from The Hymnal for Worship & Celebration. We also worship with music from the Gettys, Sovereign Grace, CityAlight, Church Works Media, the Wilds, and more.

Expect an hour to an hour and fifteen minute Morning Service with congregational singing, special music or choir selections, a time of prayer, missionary updates, an expository sermon, and a moment to reflect on the Word of God. 

Calvary Kids

Calvary Kids

If you have kids, head west to ParkPlace. You'll know you're in the right place when you see colorful light fixtures, check-in kiosks, and the Courtyard Bridge.

Find the attendant at one of the desks, and they will help you get registered for check-in. When you check-in, you'll receive 2 stickers, one is a nametag for your child, and the other is for you to keep for check-out. We require this sticker to be shown during check-out. That way, everyone gets matched up with the right people.

Pre-register your family here. 

Little Ones

Little Ones

If you have a baby, we have a private space just for you in the nursing moms room. It's located just inside the ParkPlace Courtyard, where all the check-in happens. You'll find comfortable furniture, diaper changing areas, and a live feed of the service in this room.

Loving attendants would be happy to care for your little one during the service if desired.

We're glad you're here!

We're glad you're here!

We are very excited to welcome you to our family of believers in Jesus Christ!

Next, discover our mission and core values in the segment below.

Who We Are

Our mission is to glorify God by being and making lifetime followers of Jesus Christ!

Core Values: Acts 2:42-47
42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. 43 And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. 44 And all who believed were together and had all things in common. 45 And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. 46 And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.

Biblical Instruction

We are committed to growing in our knowledge of and obedience to God's Word.


We are committed to one another so that every member is loved, belongs, and held accountable for spiritual growth


We are committed to and dependent on God through prayer


We are committed to using our time, talent, and treasure for the growth of the church


We are committed to magnifying God through the expression of his worth in the life of every believer


We are committed to sharing God's love and the hope of the gospel with the world around us

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