Mission Conference 2024
We are so excited to announce our mission conference
A Servant’s Heart: Near and Far!
Friday-Sunday, October 11-13, 2024
Hebrews 10:23-25 says,
“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”
Our prayer is that this mission conference would encourage our missionaries to continue on their mission as we see the Day approaching and that we as a congregation would be encouraged/challenged to keep living for Christ right where God has us.
With this in mind, we have several events during the mission conference to provide ways you can encourage and serve our missionaries. All these opportunities will be found out in the main foyer at the Mission Conference table.
The first way to encourage a missionary - Adopt a Missionary Project. At the table in the foyer, you will find cards with missionaries’ names on them! These have items that would be beneficial or a special treat for our missionaries. Some we will mail and others we will hand to the missionaries since they are coming. You can choose to take a missionary and do all the things on the card or simply check off an item you will be getting for that missionary. If you want to give money to postage for these boxes, there is a box on the table for that specific reason. Any cash or check in that box will be specifically used for postage. If you have any questions, please talk to Jacquelyn Davis.
The second opportunity is to invite the missionaries to a meal. This is an amazing way to get to know them, hear their stories, and understand more about their ministry. Find the sign-ups at the table in the foyer.
Encouragement and Challenges
Adopt a Missionary
A powerful way to encourage our missionaries - the Adopt A Missionary Project. Our goal is to fill boxes to send to our missionaries.On the Mission Conference table, you will find cards with missionaries’ names on them. This card lists items that would be beneficial or provide special treat for our missionaries.
You can choose to take a missionary name and do all the things on the card or team up with others to fill the box. If you would like to give money to provide postage for these boxes, look for the marked box on the table. Any cash or checks in that box will be specifically used for postage.
If you have any questions, please ask Jacquelyn Davis.
Missionary Meals
We can meet and care for our missionaries through food. Sign up to host a missionary for a meal during the Mission Conference weekend!
Find the sign up sheet at the Mission Conference table in the main foyer. When you sign up, please take a “Know your Missionary Card” which will have dietary restrictions and other information on them.
Friday, October 11
- 07:00 pm Evening Service (Include testimonies and message)
Saturday, October 12
- 09:00 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast
- 12:00 pm Ladies Luncheon: Speaker Tena Luper
- 06:00 pm Evening Service (Include testimonies and message)
- 07:30 pm Missionary Panel
Sunday, October 13
- 09:15 am Sunday School
- 10:30 am Church Service
- 04:30 pm Ministry Fair Open
- 05:00 pm Potluck Starts
- 06:00 pm Evening Service (testimonies and message)
Mission Conference Services
October 11,12, & 13
Friday - 7:00 PM
Saturday 6:00 PM
Sunday School - 9:15 AM
--Teens meet in the gym with speaker Matt Recker
--Adults have 2 options:
----in the Auditorium with speakers Sam Slobodian and Igor Fomichov
----in the Buffet Room with speaker Jim Sloan
Sunday Morning Worship - 10:30 AM
Sunday Evening - (Ministry Fair 4:30 PM, Potluck 5:00 PM, Service 6:00 PM)
You won't want to miss these Mission Conference Services!
Our special guest speaker is Matthew Recker, a church planter and pastor in NYC, that's right New York City! Pastor Recker loves God's Word and has a wealth of experience in ministry.
Each service will feature a mission testimony where we hear an update from a missionary and God's work in the mission field.
Throughout each service, we'll enjoy singing with each other and worshiping Jesus through songs and prayer.
Special Events
Men's Prayer Breakfast
Saturday, October 12, 9 AM
The Men’s Prayer Breakfast will meet at the church at 9am. Come hear stories from a missionary, and enjoy fellowship with the men of the church. A suggested donation of $5 to cover breakfast is requested. Please sign up in the main foyer at the Mission Conference table.
Ladies' Luncheon
Saturday, October 12, 12 noon.
The Ladies’ Luncheon will meet at the church. On the menu is a potluck salad. Bring your favorite salad (chicken, egg, Caesar…) or dessert to share with the group. Tena Luper is our guest speaker and will share her experience of finding the balance between having the courage to step into ministry and the contentment to be where God has us. We also will have an interactive prayer walk. Come and be encouraged to continue in the work God has set before you or challenged to set into something new. Sign up in the main foyer at the Mission Conference table.
Ministry Fair/Potluck
Sunday, October 13, 4:30 PM
Join us for an event showcasing missionaries and ministries that are reaching people for Christ!
On Sunday evening, the Ministry Fair will be open at 4:30 and the kitchen will be open to drop off food. The potluck will begin at 5. And at 6, missionaries will share testimonies and a message from the Word.
We invite you to mingle, look at tables, and talk with missionaries.
There will be no kids' programs on Sunday evening but we will have kids coloring activities that will go along with some of our missionary testimonies.
Sign up for the potluck in the main foyer. We look forward to seeing you there!
Special Guests
Main Speaker:
Matthew Recker; attending with his wife Debbie. Planting churches in New York City
Sam Slobodian: mission in Eastern Europe and Russia
Igor Fomichov: church planter in Desna, Ukraine
Jesse and Tena Luper: mission in Oklahoma with the Native Americans
Jim Sloan: mission to reach the Deaf community